Predicting The Fate Of Every Avenger Announced In The Disney+ TV Shows

4. Scarlet Witch - Lives

Wanda has went through more than most characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Not only did she lose her twin brother Pietro (Quicksilver) at the hands of Ultron in Avengers: Age of Utron, she also witnessed her lover Vision die twice in Avengers: Infinity War.

Judging by what we know about the upcoming Disney+ series, it seems that Wanda's mind has tipped a bit towards the crazy side, as she has created a world where Vision is alive and well, and the pair live happily ever after.

The premise of the show reflects the classic comic book storyline House of M, where Wanda has a mental breakdown due to the loss of her children. This results in her altering reality to recreate her children, which appears to be the reasoning as to why Vision is seemingly alive and well.

However, due to her announced appearance in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, it is certain Wanda will survive the events of this show. But, her mind will likely not be intact as everything she has created is striped from her. This would likely lead the hero down a dark path, and Wanda could be the reason for the threat Doctor Strange will need to deal with in the film.

While the Scarlet Witch may be considered an Avenger and a hero, expect to see Wanda play a slightly villainous role for at least part of her appearance in the Doctor Strange sequel until she eventually lends a hand to the Sorcerer Supreme in undoing the mess her actions have caused.


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