Recasting The Stargate Atlantis Reboot

This fan favorite series' recasting potentials are as endless as the characters themselves.

By Taylor Linyard /

Stargate Atlantis was the first spinoff show set in the highly successful Stargate universe. The main plot of Stargate Atlantis followed a group of volunteer human soldiers and scientists who ventured through the Stargate on Earth into a whole new galaxy to search for the lost ancient city of Atlantis.


Atlantis took the formula of the original Stargate show and elevated it to an entirely new level. With a constantly evolving cast of amazing actors portraying classic characters, the show sadly only ran for five seasons, about half as long as the original Stargate series.

However, even with a shorter lifespan, Atlantis became a fan favorite hit, joining the likes of Star Trek: Voyager as a successful spin off sci-fi show.

Thanks to some rumours brought up during the reunion of the original Stargate cast, fans once again grew excited and hopeful that streaming giant Amazon Prime Video could perhaps bring the old show back in some way. But what about Atlantis?

If Atlantis was ever given a second chance, it would most likely be as a reboot. And while there is no reason why the original actors could not return to the show, it is still good fun to imagine the many possibilities of a total series recast. The following are just a few possible picks for the heroes and villains that fans might like to see in any future Stargate Atlantis reboot.

10. Mads Mikkelsen As Commander Acastus Kolya

When the crew of the Atlantis began to reach out to other planets in their new galaxy, they learned that most human colonies were in a similar state of development as those under Goa'uld rule, barely reaching early medieval technologies and beliefs.


That is until the crew stumbled upon the Genii, a civilization that learned how to hide their technological advancements from the Wraith and had reached World War II levels of development in technology and political beliefs.

The Genii military was led by Commander Acastus Kolya, played by Robert Davi, a shrewd leader who immediately viewed the technologically advanced crew of the Atlantis as a threat to his people, rather than an ally to help overthrow the Wraith.

Kolya became a constant threat to the crew of the Atlantis, often taking the base over in many attempted coups. Kolya's brutality and tactical genius are perfect for Danish actor Mads Mikklelsen to take up in a reboot.

Mads Mikkleson is no stranger to playing the villain, both on the big and the small screen, and could easily give Kolya more depth behind his actions, portraying the character as a man trying to save his people above all others, even at the expense of other civilizations.
