She-Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode Five Review - 6 Ups & 3 Downs

Yet another great episode at the show's half way mark.

By Scott Banner /

The release of the fifth entry in a nine episode series means that She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is now past the halfway stage of the first season. Stories are moving, characters are established and loved in most cases, and the titular character is well on the way to becoming one of the faces of the MCU.


The first four episodes have seen a lot of ups and downs, with episode three being the biggest down in itself so far, but on the whole the series has been incredibly fun. Not to say that Moon Knight and Ms. Marvel contributed to the feeling of an MCU slump, but with She-Hulk it feels like the franchise is coming back.

Episode five, ‘Mean, Green, and Straight Poured Into These Jeans’, continued the trend with another strong entry in the series. It’s unsurprising at this point, but the latest chapter of the story further proved that episode three was a mere bump in the road.

Though the Ups and Downs may be closer in number this week to each other than previous episodes, the Downs are minor gripes, while the Ups are far greater. This was a strong episode, even if it wasn’t perfect...

9. Down - A Lack Of Action

It was said before the series ever released that She-Hulk would be a courtroom comedy. This is something that has been solidified week after week, but even so, it is still a superhero property. She-Hulk is a mainstay in the Marvel Universe, and will of course evolve into a superhero in the MCU as well.


While delving into Jen’s character as well as her constant battle with what life as She-Hulk throws at her is incredibly important, and something that the series has so far done impeccably well, this episode in particular felt like it suffered from a lack of action.

While Jen has been adamant that she doesn’t want to be a superhero, it’s obviously coming. The series wouldn’t exist if She-Hulk didn’t ultimately become a vigilante of some sort, but over halfway through the series there has been no sign of such a development at all.

Jen has fought off her cousin, the Wrecking Crew, and a bunch of demons alongside Wong, but it feels like it’s taking too long to get to a point where she establishes herself as a hero. There are only four episodes left after all, so the crime-fighting does need to come in at some point soon.
