South Park: 10 Times Butters Was TOO Innocent

Oh, hamburgers!

By Craig Pollock /

The rocky mountain town of South Park, Colorado is famously inhabited by a whole host of colourful characters, each with their own distinct personalities that really bring the town to life.


Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny have faced off against aliens, waged war in Imaginationland, and even helped send a whale to space. Why they ever did that in the first place though, who knows. It's clear that these four steal most of the spotlight in their class and their crude, unapologetic sense of humour has kept audiences laughing for 25 seasons and counting.

It's not only Cartman's diabolical schemes and Kenny's countless deaths that have kept us coming back for more, and there is one character who has never seemed to fit in.

Leopold 'Butters' Stotch tends to be the butt of many jokes and finds himself getting caught in the crossfire when things inevitably go haywire in town. Unlike many others in town, Butters is a genuinely good-hearted individual who never lets cynicism or selfishness get the better of him.

His pure heart often means he gets taken advantage of, but he doesn't let that stop him from being the most innocent person in the quaint little town of South Park.

10. Butters' Fifteen Minutes Of Fame

In the penultimate episode of season five, the show decides to stick to its guns and kill off Kenny for good. Well, at least until the end of season six but still, it's a much longer turnaround than his usual next episode resurrections.


With Kenny gone, Stan, Kyle, and Cartman look for a replacement to fill the void that he left behind. They even go as far as hosting tryouts to find the most suitable candidate, but before that, they decide to give Butters a shot.

It becomes clear that the extent of Butters involvement in the group is just to be the scapegoat for any undesirable tasks. Butters is so willing to do whatever it takes to be part of the gang, even if it puts him in a precarious position.

One such task is having prosthetic testicles superglued to his chin so that he can make an appearance on The Maury Povich Show, in order to be gifted some sort of prize. A poorly devised plan if ever there was one.

Things take a turn for the worse when Butters meets people backstage with genuine disfigurements who make a living from talk show appearances, and don't take kindly to imposters. He somehow manages to juggle a grounding from his father, protesting with the self-proclaimed 'freaks,' and keeping those balls glued to his chin.

In the end, Butters actually seems to come out on top. After Cartman exposes him by ripping the prosthetics from his face, the freaks turn on Cartman, rather than realising Butters was an imposter. Butters fans, rejoice for the small victory.
