South Park: 10 Times Butters Was TOO Innocent

9. VR Mayhem

South park butters
Comedy Central

Video games offer a sense of escapism and wish fulfilment that can be difficult to find anywhere else. With the rapid technological advancements in the realm of virtual reality, the possibilities continue to grow.

Cartman offers Butters this feeling of escapism in spades, by strapping him in to a state of the art VR headset that mimics the real world. At least, that's what Butters thinks is happening. The truth is that it is just the real world, and Butters is wearing soundproof headphones and a clear piece of tupperware.

Butters innocence is shown in his ability to trust Cartman completely and fully believe that he is experiencing a next gen gaming setup. He even comments on the graphics around him and remarks that the snow looks "kinda fake." His innocence is then immediately called in to question though when he decides to test out the limits of what he can do in VR.

First things first, he gets payback on his father for all the times he's been grounded with a swift punch to the groin. He then channels his inner Trevor Philips and steals a car. Things take a turn for the worse for poor Butters though when he pushes a bit too far and attempts to beat up and rob a prostitute in true Grand Theft Auto fashion, resulting in him getting stabbed.

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