Star Trek: 10 Examples Of Incredibly Lazy Alien Makeup

By Clive Burrell /

There must be over 700 different alien races featured in Star Trek and the hand of Michael Westmore has been involved with more of them than we dare to think but in some instances it just hasn't worked quite, well...right. Of course there are a ton of amazing creations across the franchise; the Borg, the Ferengi, the Klingons, the Suliban, the Jem'Hadar; but then there are more than a couple that make you wonder if the odd supped early morning coffee was a little stronger than it should have been in the makeup department. Now on the whole Star Trek has tried to ensure that it's aliens are believable but on occasion someone's "Hey guys, how about this awesome look...?" exuberance turned out to be a nightmare made of latex, body paint and couldn't-be-bothered by the time it slipped the gate and made it in front of the lights and cameras. For the record, let's not totally lay the blame for some of these galactic errors at Westmore's door because they aren't confined to the later Star Trek incarnations however to say that The Original Series is a lazy makeup treasure trove isn't at all close to the truth.