Star Trek: 10 Times The Ship Was Stolen

This is Star Trek - it wouldn't be a proper series without the ship getting nicked at least once

By Sean Ferrick /

Starships do seem to be easy to steal in Star Trek, no matter how complicated Data wants to make those passwords. There's just too many examples of the heroes finding themselves on the outs, while the alien baddies of the week run amok on their carpets.


For this list, we're concentrating on starships only - which is why you won't find that six-episode arc from Deep Space Nine featured. That is not, however, to say that series won't feature - no Star Trek is safe from ship thieves! That's not to say they don't get their comeuppance! It was only a matter of time until these people were BUSTED, or in some cases, WASTED.

Get that insurance claim in, ask for a courtesy car, and buckle as we list just some of the times that our favourite ships were robbed right out from under their pilots' noses, scampering away into the sunset, daring them all to try and keep up. 

10. I Don't Mean To Be Basic

Star Trek: Voyager's second season came to a fiery close with Basics, the episode that saw the ship stolen by the ever sneaky Seska, and her accomplice Maj Cullah. 


At least, it seemed initially to all be Seska's machinations, before it quickly became clear that Cullah was running the show. The Kazon Nistrim were a fiercely male dominated, proud race of thugs. With a combination of constant pressure and Seska's knowledge of the ship, they finally managed to overcome Voyager's defences and take control.

Captain Janeway and most of the crew were then unceremoniously dumped on a nearby, semi-prehistoric world, replete with giant carnivorous worms, frequent volcanic eruptions, and an alien race who weren't massively keen on shaking hands at first. 

Though the ship would be retaken thanks to Tom Paris, Lon Suder, the EMH, and some friendly Talaxians (sounds like the start of a joke), the whole incident was not without cost. It was a stark lesson in the dangers of the Delta Quadrant, though it helped to shore up the ship's defences from later abduction attempts.
