The Book Of Boba Fett Review: 8 Ups & 1 Down For Chapter 1: 'Stranger In A Strange Land'

"Jabba ruled with fear; I intend to rule with respect."

By Andrew Pollard /

The Book of Boba Fett Chapter 1 A Stranger in a Strange Land

After months of anticipation, The Book of Boba Fett has now finally landed on Disney+.


With Temuera Morrison's Boba finally turning up to make his presence known as The Mandalorian's second year raced to a close, fans were left with huge smiles on their faces at the news that this beloved cult character was to get his own spin-off series as he takes over Jabba's Palace.

In this first episode - titled Stranger in a Strange Land - audiences got to see the lay of the land for Boba in Tatooine, whilst also being brought up to speed on certain key elements of the character's murky past.


It's worth noting, due to Stranger in a Strange Land only hitting Disney+ today as of this writing, that means that only a select few official screenshots are available for this episode at this point in time.

With that in mind, then, here are the pros and cons of the first outing for a hugely promising venture to a galaxy far, far away.



1. Not Enough Present Day Action For Some


For the vast majority of this opening episode's 38-minute run time, the action is largely focussed on flashing out Boba's backstory from when we last chronologically saw the character on the silver screen in Return of the Jedi.

While long-time fans will pump the air with joy at getting to see how Fett survived his Episode VI fate - that being slowly digested by a Sarlacc - some newer fans may get frustrated with just how little time is spent in the here and now present-day of The Book of Boba Fett.


When Stranger in a Strange Land starts, we find Boba looking to establish himself as the new Crime Lord of Tatooine. By the time the episode concludes, Fett is in the exact same position as when the outing opened - and this might slightly disappoint those expecting The Book of Boba Fett to directly power forward from where we left things off at the end of The Mandalorian's second season.