The Flash: 10 Questions Season 7 MUST Answer

How will the Reverse-Flash return?

By Michael Patterson /

The Flash was enjoying its best season in quite some time when it was abruptly cut short because of everything happening in the world. That meant that production couldn't be completed and the season ultimately ended up being three episodes shorter than the-powers-that-be at The CW had planned for.


As there was no time to prepare for the sudden change, the sixth season left viewers with even more cliffhangers and unanswered questions than anticipated, with the final episode functioning well as a season finale (even though it felt like more of a midseason finale in some respects).

Nevertheless, in spite of the fact that The Flash may be off our screens for some time, the show will return in January of next year for its seventh season. It goes without saying that the writers will be eager to show fans what they had in store for us had Season 6 been able to showcase its originally planned finale. With that in mind, there are a number of huge questions it must answer.

Please be warned, this article contains MAJOR SPOILERS from The Flash Season 6.

10. How Will Barry Defeat Mirror Master?

The unexpectedly abrupt conclusion of Season 6 means that virtually all of its major storylines will spill over into the beginning of next season, and no storyline was more major to its impromptu finale than the rise of new Mirror Master, Eva McCulloch.


Finally out of the Mirrorverse that she spent all season (and the five years before that) trapped in, Eva exacted revenge on her husband, Joseph Carver, by killing him and once again assuming control of McCulloch Tech. While she's more than happy to let Team Flash continue to do their thing (for as long as Barry's speed holds out), she's warned them to stay away from her - which, knowing them, isn't even a remote possibility.

With the first few episodes of Season 7 essentially going to tell the story the writers had planned for the end of its predecessor, it's pretty clear that the end of Mirror Master's dominance is imminent. In order to move on with the show, the writers need to have the Scarlet Speedster take her down early on, but how can they make that happen when he's losing his speed?
