The Flash Season 2: 10 Big Questions We're Asking After 'The Runaway Dinosaur'

May the Speed Force be with you. Always.

By James Hunt /

When I saw that this week's episode of The Flash was titled The Runaway Dinosaur, there was a rather clear picture of what to expect: something along the lines of Doctor Who's Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, a fun romp with lots of silliness, and an actual dinosaur on the loose.


Instead, in this much-anticipated Kevin Smith-directed episode, we got something completely different to that: an emotional and personal story that delved deep into the psyche of the titular hero, serving as a spiritual sequel to the fantastic Season 1 finale.

Picking up after the previous episode, which ended with Barry disappearing after a recreation of the particle accelerator explosion, it turns out that - as expected - Barry was alive, and trapped in the Speed Force. Like a good(ish) version of Buffy's First Evil, it manifests itself as those closest to Barry, forcing him to deal once more with his mother's death before he can return back home along with his speed.

Back on Earth, meanwhile, the remaining STAR Labs crew were busy dealing with a new (old) metahuman threat, in the form of Zombie-Girder, who was mostly fine in what he had to do, which was simply keep things moving until Barry got back. 

There was also a tease of at least one new speedster on the show, while Zoom started setting things up for the final battle. Season 2 has entered its endgame now, and it means we've got lots of questions. 

10. What Will Kevin Smith's Return Episode Be Like?

Although this episode was directed by Kevin Smith, it never felt like a Kevin Smith episode. Obviously he's a big name and a more-than capable director, but this wasn't something he put his own stamp on, which was a conscious decision on his part.


While this may have served as a different test for the director, it meant the episode didn't quite live up to the billing, at least as far as Smith's involvement was concerned (it was still a very enjoyable instalment).

However, it has been confirmed that Smith will return for Season 3, which brings some exciting possibilities. Although he's since spoken of enjoying not being involved in the writing or editing, it's there you really start to find his influence. Could he be tempted to actually pen a script as well as direct it, or will he again be more of a hired gun?
