The Walking Dead: 10 Best Characters Who Only Appeared In One Episode

These characters only made one memorable Walking Dead appearance.

By Julian Hoffman /

In a world where any moment could be your last, surviving even one single episode is an accomplishment. The Walking Dead used to teach us not to get attached to any character because anybody could die at any moment. While this is still somewhat true, the world of The Walking Dead has now expanded far beyond what we could have ever imagined and we've met many interesting characters along the way.


Some of these characters only made one appearance but their impact was felt throughout the seasons. Whether due to immaculate casting or efficient storytelling, we couldn't help but appreciate these 'one time' guest characters during their brief stays in the series.

With all that in mind, this list will be highlighting the best characters who only appeared in one The Walking Dead episode.

10. Patrick

Patrick was one of the Woodbury townsfolk that came to live in the prison at the start of season four. Patrick was immediately likeable and friendly. He displayed all the characteristics of a normal teenager - which Carl Grimes seemed to have lost along the way - showing us that the apocalypse doesn't have to change you at heart.


Unfortunately for Patrick, though, he died during his sleep due to a deadly virus which infected the prison. He later re-animated and attacked the cell block, putting everybody at risk. Patrick was only alive for one episode (and a zombie in another) but he gave us some much needed moments of comic relief while he was still around.

Admittedly, Patrick wouldn't have made it far in this world either way but it was still nice to get to know him for the brief amount of time we did.
