The Walking Dead Season 6: 10 Things Everyone Expects To Happen

The wait is almost over...

By Michael Potts /

There's nothing quite like watching a TV show where any person can die, at any moment in time, by a whole variety of different methods. Unpredictability is everything in The Walking Dead, and the fear of the complete unknown is what drives the entire show forward. People think they've cracked the pattern for what's about to happen to a main character then BAM, another guy's arm turns into an undead buffet. Lori's death was gut-wrenching, the revelations about Shave sacrificing Otis so that he could survive were gripping, the many dark secrets spilled about The Governor were disturbing, and moving into more recent times, the most brutal death in Walking Dead history was reserved for one of the friendliest faces in the series, Noah. Nobody saw those moments coming though now, as the show enters its sixth season, the hardcore Walking Dead fanbase know the drill. They can sense where the action is going, and certain expectations are beginning to grow. The promotional material has offered very little in the way of direct plot lines, and that's a great thing in a spoiler-ridden world...
