Titans Season 2: 5 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Bruce Wayne'

The Dark Knight's arrival at the tower provided Titans with its most emotional offering yet.

By Michael Patterson /

Warner Bros.

Contains spoilers from Titans Season 2, Episode 7.


Titans may have started off a little rocky during its first season, but it used the majority of its latter half to gradually improve. Though it has continued that upward trajectory during its second season, the show's overall standard has significantly increased, as the narrative is slowly revealing all of what made these once-colourful superheroes so darn broody in the first place.

For the most part, Season 2 has used present-day events to incite these reveals, and it once again found success in doing just that in the latest installment, 'Bruce Wayne'. As a result, it gave us another long overdue trip into the psyche of Dick Grayson - who has spent the majority of this season on-screen without actually receiving any kind of development similar to that of which he received last season.


That's not all it did, however, as the episode brought two of the season's parallel storylines together, while also pulling the trigger on some of the long-simmering tension in the team. This ultimately made for a thoroughly compelling installment that propelled the story into territory we had been teased with for far too long.

First, the negatives...
