True Blood: 20 Defining Moments

By Ian Zelaya /

For many supernatural TV fans, "True Blood" can be the ultimate guilty pleasure. It's pure summer TV camp, chock-full of vampire sex, naked werewolves, magic faeries and numerous other supernatural entities. The best part about the most watched show on HBO is that it never takes itself too seriously. It can get into the most ridiculous of story lines (I'm talking about you, Ifrit) and still make it work in the universe of the show. "True Blood" has had many memorable moments in its first five seasons and more are to be expected in Season 6, which premieres on June 16. With the sixth season just around the corner, take a look at 20 moments (in chronological order) that have graced our television screens and defined our favorite Southern supernatural series.

20. Sookie Drinks Bill's Blood, Season 1, Episode 2

After almost getting beaten to death by the trashy Rattrays, Bill (Stephen Moyer) saved Sookie's (Anna Paquin) life by feeding her his blood. This was the first big moment in the series because it taught us many things about Sookie and vampire blood. Sookie confirmed to Bill she's a telepath but that she can't hear his thoughts because he's a vampire. We also learned that vampire blood has healing powers and that it forms a connection between the vampire giving the blood and the human drinking. This also marked Sookie and Bill's first intimate moment in the series. The scene was intriguing and sexy and it ultimately set the groundwork for Sookie and Bill's relationship. We also got to see Bill licking Sookie's forehead like a dog. Who wouldn't want to see that?

19. AIDS Burger, Season 1, Episode 5

Let's face it. Lafayette Reynolds (Nelsan Ellis) is the reason a majority of us watch "True Blood." Our resident gay Merlotte's waiter, drug-dealer and medium never fails to make us laugh. Every since his debut in the pilot he has been a tour de force of sassiness, inappropriateness and all out hilarity. Although all of his scenes are memorable, none are quite at the level of the time when he went off on some homophobic rednecks at Merlotte's. After one of the customers refused to eat one of his hamburgers, Lala decided to take matters into his own hands.He explained that gay people have been "breedin' your cows" and "raisin' your chickens," and then he physically ensured that no one at Merlotte's would ever mess with him again. In other words, we found out that Lafayette is simply the best. Never forget to tip yo waitress.