True Blood: 20 Defining Moments

18. Sookie and Bill's First Time, Season 1, Episode 6

eriado-true-blood-e1346246995800 After their first encounter, we all knew that Sookie and Bill would eventually hook up. It was only a matter of when. The trigger was Gran's death, which sent Sookie into a downward spiral. What was the one thing that could cheer her up? Vampire comfort sex. This scene was satisfying for many fans mainly because Sookie and Bill already managed to have great chemistry only six episodes in. Sookie losing her virginity to Bill is something that all Truebies wanted to see. It was also satisfying because we finally got to see Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer in the buff. This was a sexy yet shocking moment, mainly due to the fact that it showed a close-up of Bill biting Sookie's neck and licking up the blood. It was also a gateway to the endless taboo vampire sex scenes that have occurred throughout the series.

17. Shapeshifters, Season 1, Episode 10

sam-trammel I'll admit that I thought Sam Merlotte (Sam Trammell) was a huge creep when "True Blood" first started. Remember when he was rolling around and sniffing bed sheets? That all changed when he revealed to Sookie that he was the dog hanging around Merlotte's. With this scene came the introduction of shapeshifters, one of the many supernatural creatures in the show's universe. The revelation was shocking and hilarious when you think about Sam's actions before any of us knew he was a shapeshifter. Mr. Merlotte's abilities have ranged from being a fly on the wall to transforming into a cobra. The shifting moments always manage to be simultaneously ridiculous and entertaining. It wouldn't be "True Blood" without naked people running outside and changing into horses.

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Recent graduate of Towson University, with a B.S. in Journalism/New Media. I enjoy Chipotle, red wine and 'Game of Thrones,' preferably at the same time. Follow me on Twitter @ZelayaIan.