True Blood: 6 Unholy Questions About Season 6

By Joshua Foster /

In a few weeks HBO's beloved series True Blood returns for its 6th season. The past two seasons have been hit and miss with the 4th season being easily forgettable. The 5th season was however a return to form which saw an increase in the action and took us much deeper into the world of vampire politics. Season 6 looks like it will be no different and if the trailer is any indication this upcoming season could be one of the best yet. All of our favorite characters have had their world turned upside down and season 6 will without a doubt force them to pick up the pieces. There's no telling where things will go from here as the world of True Blood is becoming increasingly volatile for both humans and "supes". New characters are likely to appear and old characters will see both the continuation of their story arcs as well as the beginning of new ones. Let's take a look at the 6 unholy questions we want answered about season 6 of True Blood.

6. Will Hoyt Return?

Season 5 saw the departure of long time character Hoyt Fortenberry. It's been a tough run for Hoyt the past few years. His on again off again relationship with the sexy redheaded vampire Jessica officially ended in season 4. Throughout season 4 and season 5 Jessica and Hoyt's best friend Jason began engaging in extra curricular activities with each other (if you know what I mean). As you can imagine Hoyt was less than thrilled to discover that the love of his life was being constantly penetrated by his best friend in the entire world. In an attempt to get Jessica's attention Hoyt bought an industrial supply of guyliner and became what is known in the True Blood world as a "fangbanger". These attempts to win his woman back proved to be useless and somehow Hoyt ended up aligned with a small terrorist group dedicated to eradicating "supes" of all shapes and sizes from the face of this Earth. After some controversy Hoyt stuck to his guns and became his own man again which lead him to the decision to leave his home in Bon Temps in search of greener (or would that be whiter) pastures in Alaska. His last request was a parting gift from Jessica when he asked her to glamour him in order to wipe out all his memories of Jason and Jessica. Hoyt has been a central character of the show since the early going. He has served as somewhat of a moral compass in a world that is easily corrupted. Although leaving seemed to be what was best for Hoyt it's hard to believe he will be gone forever. It seems pretty likely that Hoyt will return at some point and perhaps serve a greater purpose than he served in previous seasons. The return of Hoyt is inevitable but the question lingers, will he return in season 6?