The Walking Dead: 15 Stupid Decisions Lori Grimes Would Be Proud Of

Celebrating the woman who barrel-rolled a car for very little reason, and all those other idiotic decisions The Walking Dead guys made. Yes, Andrea features.

By Laura Hurley /

The Walking Dead is an immensely popular program, and €“ despite all of the hype €“ there is generally more potential for an episode to go wrong than to go right. Admittedly, it does have the convenient fallback of zombies to distract from the flimsier plot lines, but the show has always been more about the living than the dead, and the balance between human melodrama and the zombie threat has long proven to be difficult to sustain. The Walking Dead has grown to rely upon the characters to draw viewers back in every week, and the show would become very dull very quickly if all of them were perfect and practical at all times. As it happens, the show tends to favour the opposite extreme, and most characters aren't really all that practical most of the time. Fortunately, the majority of the main players are given compelling motivations for whatever ridiculous situation that they get themselves into. Rick loses himself as he struggles to lead. Shane descends into madness at the loss of the family that was never truly his. Both Daryl and Carol struggle to overcome their abusive pasts. Carl was unsupervised. Andrea was stifled. And then there's Lori, a character with a list of personality flaws so expansive that she constantly managed to find new ways to irritate. Whether berating another woman for daring to dislike housework, pitting lifelong best friends against one another, or failing to use any form of birth control while having secret forest trysts, Lori has a way of infuriating even the most tolerant viewers. Of course, just because Lori is the greatest repeat offender of needlessly stupid choices does not mean that the others are immune to blunders of their own. So, as proof for those who may have trouble believing in bad calls that could eclipse the misadventures of Lori Grimes, here are 10 of the worst decisions (in chronological order) that most spectacularly backfired on characters from The Walking Dead. Warning: plenty of spoilers ahead.