The Walking Dead: 5 Reasons The Show Needs The Governor

By Johno Patterson /

The Walking Dead surprised fans of both the comic and the show by keeping The Governor alive at the end of series 3. It seemed logical to have him be the baddie for a season then have him die some horrible zombie related death, as per what other shows do with villains (albeit without zombies, clearly). I'm happy that the show's writers went a different way with this narrative though, because if anything it adds a layer of unpredictability to the mix. David Morrissey's portrayal of The Governor is note perfect as a menacing, sociopathic killer who could still charm the pants off most. It makes sense then that they would reward this successful performance with an extended appearance. With the turmoil of the group in the prison and the decision to have all unnecessary characters die by contagious plot device, it is a good call to leave an actual villain in the mix? The Walkers are a constant threat but they are manageable, but it took an all out war to get rid of The Governor the first time. Now that he's back, who knows where this could lead? This week's episode Internment teased the return of this fascinating character and proved that The Walking Dead does, in fact, need to keep him along for the ride for now at least. Here's why...