The Walking Dead Season 5: 8 Things That Will Happen

What's next for the Rick and the survivors?

By Brent DiNunzio /

With the summer season right around the corner, fans can only wait for the return of the Walking Dead in October. Since its inception and release in 2010, The Walking Dead has delivered season after season. The show has gone on to captivate both fans of the comic book while garnering a significant amount of critical acclaim. The Walking Dead is a monster that just continues to capture fans, and while many shows have fizzled out by the time a fifth season rolls around, the Walking Dead has only gotten better. Long ago are the days of the CDC and Hershel's farm, and the events of the prison also now fading into obscurity with the introduction of a new threat - Gareth and the Terminus survivors. Up until this point, the motives of these mysterious people have not been confirmed, although there's been heavy speculation that they have cannibalistic motives. Not only do Rick and his group have to worry about flesh-eating zombies, they now have to worry about those still among the living, seeking to consume them. The television series has steered around the comic book source material to hedge a new path. It's even less surprising that it takes some of the comic books most captivating moments and presents them to the viewer on screen. However, the general drive of the show takes most of its direction from the comic book. By taking what fans know from the comic book, these are 8 things to expect to happen in season five. Warning: Comic book spoilers will follow that may translate into the upcoming season and beyond.