WandaVision: 10 Characters Who Could Be The Mysterious Aerospace Engineer

Will WandaVision bring the Fantastic Four to the MCU?

By Scott Banner /

There are so many mysteries surrounding WandaVision and what is happening in Westview, with every single episode offering up more questions that answers. One of the most exciting of these since episode five has been the identity of the aerospace engineer that Monica Rambeau knows.


During 'On A Very Special Episode...', Monica and Darcy discussed the type of vehicle that would be needed to safely pass back through Wanda's barrier and into Westview. The SWORD agent got in touch with an aerospace engineer, the identity of which has been kept secret for the last two weeks.

The end of episode six saw Monica and Jimmy Woo heading to meet the mystery character, so it's likely that they will be revealed in episode seven. The way they have been set up has got fans theorising over the identity of who exactly they will see, and with a plethora of new characters set to make their MCU debut in Phase Four, and countless characters not yet even announced, there are some truly exciting candidates for the job.

Many believe that Monica's use of the phrase 'my guy' points to the mystery character being male, but this is far from confirmation. Others believe the character to be a woman due to the Spanish translation of episode five using the female 'ingeniera' rather than the male 'ingeniero', but again this is no guarantee of anything. At this time, it would seem that no character can be ruled out based solely on their gender.

10. Rhodey

There are plenty of Marvel characters that could be Monica's aerospace engineer, but one name many fans keep coming back to his James Rhodes.


Nothing against Rhodey, as he is one of the longest running characters in the entire MCU and will lead the way in Armor Wars on Disney+, but this reveal would seem anticlimactic when compared to the other names that have been floating around the last few weeks.

While some fans do believe he will be revealed as the engineer, his previous MCU appearances have never hinted at him having this particular scientific skill set.

It may be that his exposure to the War Machine suit has certainly helped him attain some engineering knowledge, and he may have even used the five year time jump in Endgame to hone this even more, but it's doubtful that he's on a level that would allow him to manufacture a vehicle with the necessary requirements to get through the Hex.
