WandaVision: 10 Characters Who Could Be The Mysterious Aerospace Engineer

9. Abigail Brand

WandaVision Blue Marvel Fantastic Four
Marvel Comics

As with Rhodey, Abigail Brand doesn't particularly have the scientific background required based on her character in the comics, but it wouldn't be out of the question for Marvel Studios to alter her in this way for the benefit of the MCU.

Instead, the biggest reason fans have turned to Abigail as a potential candidate for the aerospace engineer is her connection with SWORD in the source material. She is one of the most prominent members of the organisation in the comics, but has previously been unable to join the MCU thanks to the fact that she is a mutant.

This background makes her an ideal candidate in terms of her relationship with Monica, as clearly they would have worked together before the Blip. It could even be that when Maria Rambeau died, Abigail left SWORD after Tyler Hayward was given the job as Director instead of her.

In the comics, she ultimately became the Director, and while Hayward currently holds this position, it has been well established that he is 'Acting' Director, with no guarantees that he will finish the series at the head of the table. This could be the MCU's way of bringing another mutant into the MCU to lead SWORD going forward (since Monica will likely become Photon rather than the Director), but her lack of any engineering background makes her less likely than other potential options on this list.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.