WandaVision: Every Main Character Ranked From Worst To Best

The MCU's Disney+ debut brought some incredible characters to Westview.

By Scott Banner /

After that ridiculous finale, WandaVision has sadly come to an end. However, as Vision himself put it in Age of Ultron, something isn’t beautiful because it lasts. The show brought Phase Four to the world after 18 months of waiting, and it has turned out to be one of the most exciting and unique projects the franchise has ever put out.


One of the most impressive aspects is the fact that there were very few, if any, sub-par main characters. The show followed the post-Endgame journey of two Avengers, but the story went so much deeper than that for so many more than just Wanda and her husband.

Of course, the spotlight was on the titular duo from the start, but WandaVision could never have been such a success without a strong supporting cast of characters.

Everyone had their own role to play in the narrative across the nine episodes, and even those whose contribution lasted just a couple of chapters were still integral to the wider story.

With some being brought in from all over the MCU, and others making their very successful debut, there was a great balance to the characters in the story, though as is only natural, some were greater than others.

10. Ralph/Fake Pietro

Evan Peters rocking up on Wanda and Vision’s doorstep at the end of episode five was one of the shocks of the entire series, which is really saying something. The actor of course portrayed Quicksilver in the X-Men movies, and this opened the door to all manner of multiverse theories, and expectations of seeing Magneto or Professor X before the season finished.


The most fans got to see of who was then thought to be Pietro was during the Halloween Spooktacular, in which he dressed in the comic accurate costume, and sped around Westview as the fun uncle. By the next episode however, it became clear that he wasn’t Pietro at all.

Fake Pietro was eventually confirmed to be just a puppet, dangled in front of Wanda by Agatha as part of her ongoing manipulation of the Scarlet Witch, which was slightly disappointing. Of course Evan Peters’ inclusion got fans excited, but ultimately they will have to wait for the X-Men to be brought into the MCU.

Peters himself was a joy to watch, as always, but the reveal of him being Ralph was also a little disappointing. Agnes’ 'husband' had been mentioned but never seen throughout the series, leading fans to believe there may be something special about him, but in reality, he was no different from Herb, Dottie, or Norm.
