WONDER WOMAN T.V. Show Turned Down By All The Networks

By Matt Holmes /

David E. Kelley's plans to bring Wonder Woman to the small screen have been dashed after all the networks turned down WB's pitch to bring the World War II-era heroine to modern day America. The project went out to the networks on Wednesday but was turned down by Fox, CBS (who weren't interested), ABC (because of their Disney/Marvel connections), NBC (who are restructuring) and CW (too expensive for them). Sources at Deadline call the Wonder Woman situation 'unfortunate timing' and there's a chance they could try again later in the year. Of course WB have been trying to crack a big screen version of Wonder Woman for well over a decade but most recently chose to make The Flash as their post-Green Lantern big superhero introductory film, and had agreed WW was best suited to the small screen for now. Though even that ain't gonna happen for the time being. It's times like this you wish some DC Characters belonged to Marvel.