

10 Most Powerful Characters Killed By Wonder Woman

Diana of Themyscira has had a fair share of blood on her hands over the years.
By David Ng'ethe

10 Amazing Movie Roles Ruined By Terrible Actors

Everything was in place to create memorable characters, but these actors missed the mark.
By David Ng'ethe

10 Movies That Actually Benefited From Bad Acting

Starship Troopers' wooden cast only elevated its satire.
By Jack Pooley

10 Times Batman Was Humiliated

You'd brood too if you got beat up by a chair.
By Zoƫ Miskelly

10 Joker Fates Worse Than Death

For all the terrible things the Joker has done, many horrible things have happened to him as…
By John Wilson

10 Insane Alternate Versions Of Wonder Woman You Won't Believe Exist

Nazis, criminals and... fluffy rabbits?!
By Stacey Henley

10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Comic Books

Why is one of the most influential mediums so misunderstood?
By Ewan Paterson

10 Ways The DCEU Films Nearly Turned Out Completely Different

The Snyder Cut isn't the only DCEU 'what if?' that could've changed everything.
By James Egan

10 Comic Book Weapons That Broke All The Rules

Wonder Woman wielding Superman's spine and skull might be the coolest thing ever.
By Ewan Paterson

10 Comic Book Characters That Deserve Their Own Major Video Game

There is massive potential for these comic book characters to have their own successful games.
By James Wilson