10 2020 Moments WWE Must NEVER Do Again

WWE can learn some valuable lessons from last year's biggest disasters...

By Jamie Kennedy /


WWE might have money coming out of their ears, but even pro wrestling's biggest operation must consider the very real possibility that 2021 will be similar to 2020. This health panic isn't going away, and that means much (or all) of the new year could take place behind closed doors too.


That wouldn't excuse the same old mistakes.

Vince McMahon and cohorts would be wise to revisit 2020 month-by-month. When doing so, they should keep some red pens handy and put a big old line through anything that seems crappy in retrospect, plain didn't work or was sensationalistic without having any real pay off to make it worth the hassle in the the first place.

If they do that, then WWE's braintrust might improve the product going forwards. That progress, after all, should be a key goal for the company in 2021. This is going to be another tough year, so anything McMahon and staff can do to better TV output should be welcomed.

They can probably start by packing all these garbage or hackneyed ideas into a nearby receptacle before firing them into outer space...

10. A “Monster” Ending

If someone ever compiles a list of wacky reasons why wrestling matches never took place, they might want to analyse Backlash 2020. There, The Street Profits and Viking Raiders brawled outside the Performance Center before being accosted by a large, tentacled monster.


Michael Cole then calmly told viewers that the Raw Tag Title bout wouldn't take place.

The title of this entry might suggest "monster" is positive. It's...not. This was totally guff, and it was a blight on the cinematic landscape pro wrestling leaned on so heavily last year. Two tags warring with ninjas, bowling balls and a beast that wouldn't look out of place in some B-movie's deleted scene reel doesn't cut it.

WWE shouldn't end a match (or any segment really) like this ever again. No excuses - this was atrocious, and it failed to land even as light-hearted comedy bullsh*t.
