10 2020 Moments WWE Must NEVER Do Again

9. P*ss To The Face


At least nobody got pee'd on.

WWE's official recap for the 12 June 2020 episode of SmackDown called this an "unsavoury surprise" for Sheamus. That's certainly one way to put it - it was an unwelcome shock for fans tuning in to the broadcast too. Nobody could've been expecting to see the big Irishman take a glass of p*ss to the face.

Of course, this was all part of the heel's crusade to convince everyone that Jeff Hardy is a no-good addict who can't be trusted. Typically, WWE went heavy on toilet humour here (come on, they kinda' had to), but something else was hidden in amongst all the "hilarity: This was a repeat of events on the 13 March 2006 Raw.

Mixing lame comedy and serious, real-life issues like alcoholism didn't exactly click, to say the least. Everyone could've done without this rehash. In 2021, WWE must resist the urge to 'three-peat' this trick with another loudmouth villain.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.