10 Scapegoats For RUBBISH WWE Ideas
Got a totally rotten WWE idea? Don't worry, because SOMEBODY can be blamed!

Well, somebody needs to take the blame!
The sheer volume of creative ideas WWE burns through every year is staggering, so it's logical to assume that many will fall short in execution. Once they do, fingers start getting pointed internally and from fans. Who's responsible for this nonsense?! Probably Vince Russo. No, that's a (poor) joke.
The truth is often a grey area. Naturally, wrestlers actually working any matches/angles/characters do need to take some criticism, but it must be agony for those folks when burnt out writers leave them hanging with wonky concepts or creative direction that's outright baffling.
That's when the word "scapegoat" starts getting hurled around willy nilly.
WWE tends to deflect when things go sour. They shift blame onto a specific person in hopes it'll trick the audience into agreeing. That rarely works. Pro wrestling fans aren't thick - most have a good handle on how this stuff works by now, and they know when Vince McMahon, Triple H or some other higher-up made an arse of things.
Get ready to relive some of WWE's worst ideas, and feel sorry for the people accused of failing!
10. Bart Gunn Ruins ‘Brawl For All’
The WWF would've had a ready-made main event rival for 'Stone Cold' had stupid Bart Gunn not used his stupid hands to knock others out in a stupid shoot fight tournament on stupid TV. Stupid! Oh yes, some believed sticking 'Dr. Death' Steve Williams in a legit toughman contest was his ticket to the top in 1998.
Gunn had other plans. He was genuinely handy with ye olde fisticuffs, so he mauled the competition for real and eventually earned the right to get knocked out by Butterbean at WrestleMania XV. That wasn't the original plan; it was nowhere close.
In the minds of fed chiefs, Bart ruined their 'Brawl For All' idea by being a good fighter. It's so childish that the WWF got angry about Gunn doing his job properly. Imagine things not going your way when you book something realistic. Isn't that why wrestling is a work in the first place?! So promoters can plan?
Poor Gunn was a scapegoat.