10 Awesome Things Wrestling Fans Can Look Forward To SOON!

2022 is shaping up to be an amazing year for pro wrestling! Are you ready for what's to come?

By Stephen Closson /

2021 was a bit of a mixed bag for professional wrestling. Though there were still disruptions aplenty because of the continuing worldwide pandemic, the pro-wrestling matches that took place were absolutely astounding.


Whether it was performers making up for lost time or just reaching a whole other level altogether, just about every active promotion has turned into a hotbed of potential dream matches, feuds, and alliances that fans didn’t even realize they wanted until it was on offer. Two months into 2022 and this forward momentum hasn’t slowed one bit, either.

AEW keeps putting on classic matches week in and week out, Impact seems to have stuffed a doorstop underneath the Forbidden Door, leading to all sorts of inter-promotional awesomeness taking place in their promotion, and WWE has apparently made all the money ever printed according to their quarterly investor report.

It’s clear that professional wrestling is thriving on all fronts and the exciting thing is there’s plenty to look forward to just on the horizon.

Here is a small a taste of what’s in store in the coming months.

10. Wardlow Will Finally Turn On MJF

For one glorious moment during MJF and CM Punk’s match on last week’s Dynamite, it seemed like Wardlow was finally finished playing second fiddle to his beleaguering boss. The replay of Wardlow slipping Friedman the Dynamite Diamond Ring quickly dispelled the heartbroken Chicago crowd of that notion as they watched in horror as MJF knocked out their hometown hero with the ring to secure the victory.


He beat CM Punk. In Chicago. Twice.

If you thought MJF was unbearable before, the ego-trip the young prodigy is bound for is going to be ungodly. Wardlow is already barely holding back his temper as it is. It seems like every week he is having to try harder not to lose his cool with the leader of The Pinnacle, and for good reason.

From MJF demanding/interrupting his patented Powerbomb Symphony, to assigning “The Chairman” Shawn Spears to be his “accountabili-buddy” and docking his pay on his birthday, Wardlow has been through it over the past few months.

When MJF finally steps over that line and pushes “Mr. Mayhem” that one inch too far, the reckoning that will befall “The Salt Of The Earth” will be a wonder to behold.
