10 Awesome Things Wrestling Fans Can Look Forward To SOON!

9. Jeff Hardy Is About To Swanton Bomb Through The Forbidden Door 

Tony Khan Keith Lee

Keith Lee isn’t the only potential signing stepping through the Forbidden Door. There’s someone about to do a Swanton Bomb through it as well.

With a negative drug test from WWE clearing the air for Jeff Hardy regarding the state of his sobriety, “The Charismatic Enigma” could be days away from becoming All Elite.

Matt Hardy, Christian Cage, The Young Bucks, Kyle O’Reilly, and Isiah Kassidy have all been dropping hints on social media regarding Jeff’s impending debut. On top of all the teases, The Hardy Boyz have already booked multiple independent dates across the country.

There is no doubt that the legendary tag team will draw more eyes to the AEW product, but it will also allow Matt Hardy to shake things up with his character as well. Jeff’s arrival will probably lead to Matt seceding complete control of the Hardy Family Office stable to Andrade El Idolo, though whether this is by choice or by force is up in the air.

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Keith Lee AEW
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Found a copy of Mick Foley’s ‘Have a Nice Day’ at a library when I was a kid, and, well, here we are. You can find all of my work, short stories, and info on my upcoming novel, The Devil Eats Grits, by going to www.scclosson.com!