10 Awesome Wrestling Moves WWE Must Bring Back

The good, the banned and the funny.

By Lewis Howse /

What would wrestling be without the moves? Well, it would just be a bunch of oily, half-naked guys standing in the ring and trash talking each other (which sounds a lot like recent episodes of Raw, to be honest). Moves are important in wrestling. Sure, so too are the right look, promo skills, charisma and making sure you say that right things to the right people. In fact, these things are more important than what moves you can do if you want to make it to the main event. Hulk Hogan wasn't exactly known for his long and varied list of cool submission holds and Steve Austin did little more than kick the crap out of his opponents and brawl during his best years in the squared circle. But not everyone can be a Hogan or an Austin and those wrestlers must look to other things to make sure they 'get over' with the crowd. Often times the way they will do this is by using cool, unique or difficult-to-execute moves that they know those working on the top of the card won't be using themselves. There are lots of cool moves on WWE TV at the moment such as Cesaro's giant swing, Dean Ambrose's rebound lariat and pretty much everything that Kofi Kingston does. Still, there is a distinct lack of creativity from some members of the roster. Here are ten moves that have disappeared from WWE TV that we'd like to see make a comeback.