10 Best Active Wrestlers Who Will Never Be World Champion

Who are the stars that will fall just short of the highest honor?

By Jared Wren /

Sometimes great wrestlers just never capture the big one.


Whether it be due to backstage politicking from another wrestler, size, injuries, crowd reactions, etc. for some amazing performers, the dream of capturing World Championship gold is just not meant to be. Such was the case for legends like Roddy Piper, "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase, Owen Hart, British Bulldog and many others.

Of course, this is also what makes holding the World Championship so prestigious in the first place. If every great wrestler held a world title then there would be nothing special about being World Champion.

There are of course many active wrestlers in today’s wrestling landscape who many fans would love to see as World Champion, but for many of them, it just won’t happen. While some may become the leader of companies like ROH, MLW, or other smaller companies, there is just something different about leading a major company like Impact, AAA, New Japan, AEW, and WWE as their World Champion

Unfortunately, these competitors will never score top honours...

10. Ricochet

Ricochet is young, athletic, and capable of having unbelievable matches (see his time in NXT for reference). Unfortunately, WWE doesn’t seem to care.


During his time on SmackDown, he has had periods of sporadic appearances, been jobbed frequently, and has been unable to gain any real momentum. Most disappointingly Ricochet was told, “Not to fly,” when he first debuted on the main roster. All of this has put one King Ricochet in quite the hole to dig out of.

Ricochet saw a brief run as United States Champion when first called up to the main roster, but this run was so forgettable that most people reading this just now found out about it. On top of this, Ricochet earned a WWE Championship match at Super Showdown where he was squashed by Brock Lesnar in under two minutes. Ricochet’s most recent success saw him win the Intercontinental Championship from Sami Zayn on SmackDown, as well he has reportedly been labelled as the number two babyface on Fridays by Vince McMahon.

Despite this, it is hard to stay optimistic about Ricochet’s run on the main roster. His pushes have been so stop-start that it’s hard to trust that this recent push will really last. Ricochet certainly has time left to change his world title status, but if we’re trusting one Vincent Kennedy McMahon to give approval on pushing Ricochet to the World Title (which we are), then it’s a safe bet that this is just one dream that isn’t meant to be.
