10 Best Big Man WWE Matches Ever

Big isn't always bad.

By Andrew Soucek /


The big man vs. big match is a bizarre specialty in wrestling. Most often these showdowns are quite bad, and sometimes the scars from watching one will stick with you for a lifetime. But there’s something about the irresistible force vs. the immovable object that is strangely compelling to watch. It’s like Godzilla vs. King Kong or Mechagodzilla come to life. There's going to be a lot of destruction and a lot of punishment, even though it may not be pretty.


As stated, there have been many duds over the years when giants collide, like The Undertaker vs. Giant Gonzalez at WrestleMania IX, or The Big Show vs. Akebono or ECW’s terrifying Monster Mash Battle Royal (Bobby Pickett is still spinning in his grave over that one). Vince McMahon just loves two giant bears trying to rip each other apart, but it almost always sounds more fun than it actually is.

The reason the matches are usually so terrible, is because big guys often need a talented smaller wrestler to do most of the work. The undersized wrestler is going to be the one taking the majority of the bumps, while the larger opponent mostly stands there and looks like a killer. When you put two huge beasts against each other, you're often slowing down the speed of a regular match by half...if not more.


Still, there are exceptions in big man vs. big man matches. Now and then when two behemoths get together in the ring they’re able to create something memorable and satisfying...