10 Best Dark Characters In WWE History

Welcome, to the Darkside!

By Ross Tweddell /

Vince McMahon has a wild imagination that is just as creative as it is frighteningly worrying. Throughout the history of WWE, McMahon has overseen the genesis of many different genres of character in the ring - needless to say some have been hits while others have been severe misses. For every Stone Cold Steve Austin there's been a Mantaur; for every Rock there's been several Beaver Cleavage; and for every... well, Mr McMahon - we can't forget how great he was in his role back in the Attitude Era and beyond - there's been a few dozen Kerwin Whites. However, there's one particular niche that Vince, and his creative staff for that matter, have excelled at down the years; and that's the darker characters that kept us all up at night as youngsters. The source of this power to create the downright unnerving has to come from Vince's troubled childhood. He infamously grew up as a trailer park child with dyslexia, and had a plethora of disciplinary problems - which culminated him receiving disciplinary procedures by the US military, no less. There's always been something a bit special about McMahon's mind, hasn't there... But quite frankly, wrestling wouldn't have him any other way as he's often relied on one of his famed dark characters to work at the top of the card.. A dark character works on so many levels. Whether it be taking the term literally or using it to create something that is mentally unstable, they've always been the most compelling on our screens down the years. Here's the 10 best in WWE history...