10 Best Wrestlers Under 25 Years Old In The World Today

Today's prodigies are tomorrow's mega-stars

By Scott Fried /

When it comes to wrestling, there are few things more important than experience. No matter what sort of athletic background a would-be grappler has before getting between the ropes, there's a learning curve that involves everything from learning how to fall to learning how to sell to getting comfortable cooperating with an "opponent." Wrestlers have to get the basics down before they can really start to get skilled. Sometimes it takes years. Sometimes it never happens. Don't make the mistake of thinking experience is everything, though - over the years, plenty of "wrestling prodigies" have emerged. Kurt Angle, for instance, debuted on WWE television about a year after his first match, and he already looked like the star he'd soon become. Similarly, Steve Austin, The Rock, and Brock Lesnar also drew major plaudits during their first few years in the business. Today, there are many wrestlers who have similarly excelled despite their relative lack of seasoning - and veterans who have managed to accrue a great deal of experience in their young lives. These young men and women are still in their physical primes, but they're already so good at constructing a match and connecting with a crowd that they've managed to achieve great success. These are the sport's 10 best wrestlers under 25 years old. Over the course of the next decade, these grapplers will not only inherit the sport of wrestling, they'll rewrite the rules and mold it in their image.
