10 Best Wrestling Tweets You Must Read (Before Twitter Dies)

Cody Rhodes cuts his best promo, while a former WWE referee is a secret internet celebrity...

By Michael Sidgwick /

Twitter is a literal game, the objective of which is to effectively farm engagement through likes, follows and retweets - but it cannot be won. You can't be too cynical, because people just want to enjoy wrestling. You can't be positive, because people will think you're biased. You can't be informative, because people will think you're lying.


You're up against the entire world, and to paraphrase one of the better tweets posted into its toxic, sprawling sludge, everybody else thinks they are the main character of the universe. Writing a tweet about wrestling is like screening a notorious video nasty to a group of children: the babyish audience is constitutionally incapable of tolerating it, it really isn't for them, but their natural curiosity means they'll consume it, given half a chance.

Of course, not everybody is like this.

The WhatCulture Wrestling podcast community is amazing, as are many others, but there's really no such thing as a good tweet because the platform is a subjective nightmare that people willingly experience while awake. Somehow, some way, the following 10 posts cracked the unsolvable code. They broke the game.

Elon Musk has botched Twitter because he has half the brain that you do.

By the time you read this, Twitter might have already slipped off the top rope when attempting a springboard clothesline...

N.B. - You might read the odd swear here; WhatCulture isn't responsible for external content.

10. A Classic From The Earl Hebner Collection

The best Twitter poster, the man most emblematic of the platform, has spent his unhinged alter-existence satirising the amorphous concept of being Extremely Online.


dril is an inexplicably hilarious parody of a man woefully incapable of using the vast and powerful tool that is cyberspace while still under the belief that he is the real genius. He's Biff Tannen if he grew up as a gamer with free and unrestricted access to the most foul material imaginable.

He's part of the 'Weird Twitter' community, which basically functions as a race to blurt out the most deranged thing you've ever read in a bid to capture the grotesque phenomenon that is the online experience. It's unlikely that this collective is aware of legendary pro wrestling referee Earl Hebner, but if they were, they'd pack it in. Hebner has won. Even if he filmed a how-to guide for YouTube, nobody is beating his high score.

His response to a fan accusing him of screwing Bret Hart in Montreal is just wonderful. An incredibly belligerent nightmare of writing technique, it's the most wrong thing imaginable: a masterpiece of the "Everybody is stupid except me" philosophy at Twitter's rotten core.

Marvel at the bad spelling.

Gaze in wonder at the lack of punctuation.

Revel in the fantastical idea of a distant future.
