10 Best WWE Storylines Of 2019 (So Far)

The Good, The Bad and The Better Than Expected...

By Michael Hamflett /

2019's been a bizarre-and-yet-achingly-familiar year in pro wrestling


In the interest of not infuriating some of the comments section for talking about another organisation in the middle of the introduction to a WWE piece, understand that it's hard to assess the landscape of the market nor the market leader without considering how the outside forces may make an impact.

At this, the mid-year point of the calendar year, the company has elected to hire Paul Heyman and Eric Bischoff respectively to try and fix what they must be acknowledging is now fundamentally broken. This list will be a worthwhile re-visit in December if only for the this paragraph - will the 1990s supremos still be in a job by then? With XFL 2020 looming, might Vince McMahon be willing by force rather than function to let others have a turn with his toy?

You'll notice a trend throughout this piece - each storyline apparently worthy of the "Best" tag at the top of the page comes with a caveat that perhaps the beginning wasn't so great, or the middle was a bit flabby, or the end didn't really pay the rest off all that well. It's difficult to locate longterm and lengthy storyline perfection in a week-to-week product, but these were the 10 best attempts...

10. Blissed Off For Greatness

Though things have stumbled to a slight halt in recent weeks and Alexa Bliss may yet again be an injury concern longterm, her friendship with Nikki Cross has thus far yielded some enjoyable action with SmackDown Women's Champion Bayley, and will presumably be paid off with a match that gets Cross over far more than her hackneyed "crazy" gimmick ever could have.


The former Sanity member struggled to find footing following a December 2018 NXT call-up as disastrous as the others that arrived alongside her, but Bliss' star aura has yet again rubbed off on a gimmick in need of focus and direction.

Cross was bizarrely beloved before this run - the point at which Bliss reveals her insincerity (or has it exposed) could well generate one of the biggest pops of the year. WWE - by virtue of operating at a mid-range level of toxic on its best day - is ordinarily excellent with these angles. Actual Women's Championship programmes are liable to collapse at a moment's notice - these stories are almost always followed through to the most logical conclusion.
