10 Biggest Tag-Teams That Never Wrestled For WWE

WWE missed the boat on these terrific tandems...

By Jamie Kennedy /

Punctured throughout WWE history are numerous periods of success and prosperity for the art of tag-team wrestling. In the 1980's, the division was bursting at the seams, full of tandems that rarely wrestled individually. Then in the late 1990's, the likes of The New Age Outlaws were followed up by tag brilliance from The Hardy Boyz, Dudley Boyz and both Edge and Christian.


WWE may claim to have had a monopoly on great tag-team wrestling over the years, but the truth is that other companies have often shown greater focus on the style. In the NWA, WCW, ECW, TNA and abroad in Japan, many tag-teams have eagerly went about their business without ever threatening to make a splash in WWE.

The likes of The Young Bucks and The Briscoe Brothers could yet have their chance, but for a variety of reasons few listed here will ever grace the WWE ring (at least as a pair). That's a real shame, because they remain some of the most memorable teams in wrestling history.

Here are 10 well-known tag-teams who - for whatever reason - just didn't get that top WWF/WWE run...

10. America's Most Wanted

It may surprise some to see America's Most Wanted grace this list, but it's true to say they were one of the greatest tag-teams in the wrestling world at one point. TNA may have changed as a company, but it's important not to forget the history of chances the promotion afforded those who may have otherwise never made an impact (pun intended).


James Storm and Chris Harris belong in that discussion, they excelled as a tag-team. Forming during TNA's very first shows, America's Most Wanted went on to capture the NWA World Tag-Team Titles on six different occasions. Together at least, they never made it to WWE.

Harris did have a brief run as Braden Walker on WWE's version of ECW in 2008, but his lack of gimmick and look didn't bode well. Similarly, Storm was only in WWE for a short while last year, making brief appearances on NXT programming.

The four-year run of America's Most Wanted won't be forgotten by those who remember TNA history. In 2004/2005, WWE really could have been doing with them to help shore up the tag division.
