10 Biggest Tag-Teams That Never Wrestled For WWE

9. The Impact Players

The Miracle Violence Connection

One of Paul Heyman's greatest strengths was being able to draw from the performer within, continually trying with wrestlers until they found a character to fit them. That was the case with Justin Credible, who didn't really come into his own until he left the WWF behind and joined ECW. There, he hooked up with Lance Storm.

At first glance, Storm and Credible didn't have a lot in common, but they were a superb duo in the original ECW. Storm's technical approach and clean cut look contrasted with his partner's more hardcore style and grizzled appearance, but something about the union just worked.

Jason and Dawn Marie were worthy associates too, completing the package. Again, both these men would work for the WWF/WWE individually, but never really got a chance as a unit. Together, they captured the ECW Tag-Team Titles twice, but wouldn't really find success outside the company.

That's a shame, because The Impact Players would have been a fine team in WCW once Storm had left to join that company, or in the WWF later.

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