10 Highest Grossing Movies Starring WWE Stars

From Drax The Destroyer to Thunderlips.

By Kenny McIntosh /

It goes without saying that part of a wrestler's job is acting, reacting to a crowd, making fans buy into their character and being believable in the role they play. As a result, pro wrestlers are a big hit with Hollywood Producers: as an added bonus, they know how to be on camera, can take direction and tend to look larger than life. Over the years, dozens of wrestlers have been bitten by the acting bug, and despite the inevitable accusations of being terrible (look, it's an unfortunately big trend) some of them big remarkably well at the box office.


But who has done the best?

Obviously there have to be some rules here, so only starring roles count. The Undertaker€™s cameo in Suburban Commando or Stan Hansen in No Holds Barred can't. And of course, to make it fair, we€™re only going to include each wrestler€™s most successful movie; otherwise The Rock would probably have 6 or 7 of the top 10 Movies.


Before we get to the big boys, honourable mentions have to go to Rowdy Roddy Piper for his Number 1 movie at the box office, They Live and to The Big Show for his heartfelt performance in The Water Boy. These men paved the way for guys like Batista and The Rock.

Okay, maybe not, but they were fun to watch.
