10 Biggest WWE Maniacs Of All Time

These mad men blurred the line between reality and entertainment.

By Jim Lamotta /

The world of professional wrestling can be a place where truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. The business can be quantified with the numbers of tickets sold and the amount of pay-per-view buys, but the art form is based on the emotion. The emotional response of an audience is what leads the crowd flocking to the box office for the next live event or ordering the next PPV. While pro wrestling had its share of goofy gimmicks, there are a group of individuals that blurred the line of reality and entertainment. The ability to make even the most jaded fan question if what they watched was, "a part of the show" is a rarity, especially for today's product. The debate of if wrestling was "real" raged for years, but these performers were believed to be legitimately unstable. However, the ability to make the list of wrestling's top maniacs is not achieved through a cartoonish gimmick, but rather the promos, in ring skill, and a sense of believability for a competitor. There's also a complexity as to how each wrestler arrived at their specific character and the influential events behind it. These are the top maniacs in professional wrestling.