10 Biggest WWE Maniacs Of All Time

10. The Necro Butcher

Necro Butcher became a cult favourite on the independent scene over a decade ago and his willingness to risk his own health made him a draw for many promotions over the years. He had a mixture of the stiff style of Bruiser Brody and the risk taking of Mick Foley. Along with a wild appearance, Necro created an aura for himself that is rarely seen on the smaller circuit of today's internet savvy audience. A flurry of stiff punches and flying chairs became a signature of his attack. He had all the elements to create a sense of believability around his character, but he certainly paid a price for his notoriety. As he continued to work the indy scene, the risks he took during many of his matches were noticed by some of the promoters of the well known independent promotions and he debuted for IWA Mid-south in 2001. A year later he suffered one of the most graphic injuries in pro wrestling history, as he was suplexed into a stack of light tubes and a portion of skin was hanging from a major gash in his arm. Unfortunately, the 'death match' style took its toll on Necro Butcher and his profile has declined in recent years. However, he made an undeniable impact as one of wrestling's top manics through sheer violence.
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Mick Foley
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Jim Lamotta hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.