10 Most Bizarre Stories From Former WWE Superstars

Truth is stranger than fiction.

By Marcus K. Dowling /

Professional wrestling is an unquestionably bizarre industry on every level. Men and women enter into a ring to engage in scripted acts of violence that in receiving our applause, derision, anger and/or laughter. The idea that we find joy in the pain of others is actually barbaric, meaning that on so many levels, pro wrestling celebrates the worst traits of what it is to be a human being. That being said, it takes a unique type of individual to be comfortable in this business, one who sometimes both in (and out of) the ring is prone to be a part of some incredibly strange circumstances. In these ten stories, you'll find moments that in any other circumstance would require normal resolution, but given that they occurred surrounding the pro wrestling industry had resolutions that were unquestionably bizarre. From legends almost dying to wrestlers being arrested, setting ridiculous precedents for the industry itself, and doing things that well, prove that "anything can happen in the World Wrestling Federation," deserve mention. In just looking back over the past 30-plus years of wrestling history, there are likely more than ten moments that could fit the criteria of being bizarre, but of those, these may be the best.