10 Disastrously Timed WWE Injuries

Daniel Bryan's two title vacations are still heart-breaking...

By Jamie Kennedy /


Listen to any wrestler talk about their profession and be prepared for endless anecdotes about the very-real risk of stepping foot between the ropes. Safely performing a wrestling match is still dangerous - so perilous in fact that it's a miracle more WWE stars don't end up on the injury list.


Injuries can happen to anybody at any time though; it's part and parcel of the business. The heart-breaking aspect comes when a nasty bump or accident causes someone to miss months (sometimes even years) of action at a crucial period in their career.

Being forced to vacate a title or accept physical defeat mid-push must be horrible for any pro wrestler. Sadly, some of WWE's worst injuries have also come at the worst times, taking their victims off the road, and even costing them the chance to live out deserved main event runs they've worked so hard to earn...


10. Braun Strowman

It's estimated that Braun Strowman will be back terrorising babyfaces on Monday Night Raw within 6-8 weeks after WWE revealed he had torn a rotator cuff in his left shoulder. Braun was written off television this week and could miss the upcoming Extreme Rules and Great Balls Of Fire pay-per-views.

This injury comes at a bad time for Braun, because he was really gaining some momentum after beating Roman Reigns at Payback. Rumours still suggest Strowman will be Brock Lesnar's opponent come the summer, but this shoulder issue sets him back a little.


The big man's road to facing Lesnar for the Universal Title will now be slowed by the injury, right on the cusp of his break out as a main event star. The timing couldn't be worse here: Even though he'll be back within a few months, Strowman could have done without being benched whilst on a roll and finally getting the star treatment from fans.