10 Disastrously Timed WWE Injuries

9. Dolph Ziggler

Alberto Del Rio Dolph Ziggler

Face it, Dolph Ziggler is never reaching that mystical brass ring which would allow him access into WWE's main event club for good. Not only does the way he's booked undermine him, but the bleach-blonde mid-carder has also suffered injuries at the worst times throughout his career.

Cashing in the Money In The Bank briefcase on Alberto Del Rio the night after WrestleMania XXIX should have led to the first serious World Title run of Dolph's WWE career. Enter Jack Swagger, one stray boot, and a nasty concussion on SmackDown shortly afterwards.

Forced to sit on the sidelines for a few weeks to recover, Dolph was then quickly turned babyface at Payback yet dropped the title to Del Rio at the same time.

WWE don't mess around when it comes to concussions. Ziggler was a victim of that, and it must have been heart-wrenching to see his title run and main event aspirations cancelled because of circumstances out of his control.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.