10 Early Predictions For 2020 WWE Hall Of Fame Class

How do you follow this year?!

By Adam Wilbourn /

The 2019 Hall Of Fame was...eventful to say the least.


There was the long overdue honouring of Chyna, D-Generation X rebelling like only 50-year olds can, and the complete idiot that tackled a 61-year-old Bret Hart mid-speech, and then got dealt with by half the WWE roster.

How on earth do they follow that next year?!

As we all know, there are no rules when it comes to Hall of Fame inductions' Vince McMahon simply runs his fingers through his Filofax and picks out a few names that are still in his good books. How else do you explain Koko B. Ware's place in history?

Michael Sidgwick did this list last year, and being the sensible and highly-qualified journalist that he is, he mixed potential headliners with slightly more obscure names to give a fair reflection of who may be in the 2019 class.

F**k that.

This year's early predictions are going to be ALL KILLER, NO FILLER. There is no way that all 10 on my list will be inducted next year, but we can dream, dammit!

The Rock, Kane, and The Undertaker were obvious contenders, but with Saudi Arabia chucking money around like nobodies business, it's safe to assume they won't be going in...yet.

Nevertheless, with an honourable mention for Andy Kaufman (who definitely should go in), these are 10 early predictions for the 2020 Hall of Fame Class...

10. Victoria

Despite the numerous 'Victoria for HOF' signs that crop up around January each year, and the fact there are so many custom-made Hall of Fame induction videos for her online that I had to double check she wasn't already in, there are many who believe Victoria will never be added to the annuls of history.


She was one of the few shining lights in the dark ages of women's wrestling, but her 2009 'retirement' from WWE and subsequent signing for TNA a few months later has tarnished her reputation with Vince et al.

Regardless, the former two-time WWE women's champion, five-time TNA women's champion and PWI Woman of the Year for 2004 deserves recognition for being an early catalyst of the eventual Women's Revolution in WWE.

Furthermore, the animosity between her and the company appears to have dissipated, with Victoria appearing on WWE television for the first time in ten years at this year's Hall of Fame as her friend and former stablemate Torrie Wilson was inducted.

2019 is Victoria's final year as an active wrestler, what better way to honour her retirement than by being part of the 2020 Class.
