10 Fantasy Wrestling Matches That Never Happened

The greatest matches that we won't ever see.

By Mike Shannon /

Everyone loves to talk about "what if" in sports. What if the 1975 Pittsburgh Steelers played the 1984 San Francisco 49ers? What if Babe Ruth played in Major League Baseball today? What if Muhammad Ali fought Mike Tyson? The questions and discussions are endless and allow us to imagine what could have been if situations were different. Professional wrestling is no different. Even though it is a predetermined sport, fans want to see the best against the best and fantasy booking is extremely popular online. Certain wrestlers seem to be natural opponents for others but, for a variety of different reasons, the matches simply never happened. Whether they were separated by time, distance, promotions, or backstage attitudes, these wrestlers never had the right situation to meet in the ring. Honestly, we could sit and argue for hours over who should win these matches but, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. The match exists to entertain fans and this list is filled with matches that would bring fans to their feet. Whether it be a technical classic or a bloody and brutal brawl, a card stack with these ten matches would break every single box office record and draw record buys for pay-per-views. Obviously, none of these matches can occur today but, hey, it's fun to imagine.