10 Fantasy Wrestling Matches That Never Happened

10. Ricky Steamboat vs. Curt Hennig - 30 Minute Time Limit For The Intercontinental Title

Amazingly, despite working in the same promotion during the same time span, this match never took place (except maybe for a few unaired house show matches). There was a rumor that the match was scheduled for an August 1991 television taping but, due to Hennig's back issues, the match was canceled and Steamboat left the promotion shortly thereafter. While neither guy was exceptionally huge in stature, Hennig and Steamboat were perfect in their roles. Steamboat was the fiery babyface, showing emotion and anger at just the right times. Working with Ric Flair allowed Steamboat to become almost the perfect "good guy", someone who never cheated but eventually got fed up with the heel's shenanigans and kicked some righteous ass as the crowd went nuts. Hennig, on the other hand, was the perfect arrogant heel. He was smooth in the ring, had a mean streak, and could work the crowd as good as anyone. He was also one of the best sellers in the history of the business. Imagine Hennig feeding a Steamboat comeback after 20 minutes of beating on him, the crowd would go absolutely wild. A feud over the Intercontinental title would have been the obvious thing but, for whatever reason, Steamboat and Hennig never crossed paths in the ring. Steamboat had classic matches with Ric Flair on the big stage and there's no doubt that he would have done the same with Curt Hennig.

Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.