10 Fascinating Facts About WWE In 2018

WWE made shocking TV history and ribbed The Undertaker at WrestleMania 34 in 2018.

By Jamie Kennedy /

Strangely, it's almost easier to forget what happened in years like 2018 than it is ones like 1998 or 2008. WWE was still the sole kingpin on top of the wrestling map in 2018, and Vince McMahon's crew burned through a lot of shocking moments. Shawn Michaels returned to the ring for the first time in 8 years, everyone had a right good laugh at The Undertaker's expense, and more.


The controversial beginning of WWE and the Saudi Arabian Sports Authority project resulted in the bizarre sight of wrestlers being drafted in to replace others that had passed away, all in the name of sportswashing and the single biggest per-show deal the company had ever signed.

A match you love might be one AJ Styles' doesn't, Brock Lesnar shoot punched his peers during major pay-per-view bouts, WWE booked the longest TV match in history, and even Aiden English was wheeling out company firsts come WrestleMania 34.

It was a trip, people. Here's a lorry load of fascinating facts and stories from WWE's final year without major North American competition.

10. Brock Lesnar Punched Braun Strowman For Real



Braun Strowman would come to regret accidentally cracking Brock Lesnar with a knee during the pair's three-way match with Kane at the 2018 Royal Rumble. Braun battered Brock in the side of the head, so Lesnar (never one to shy away from such things) responded by punching Strowman full force back.

During interviews after the fact, Braun jokingly remarked that he was chuffed he hadn't been knocked out. See above for the exact moment Lesnar decided that a knuckle-shaped receipt was coming Strowman's way for that errant knee to the noggin. That was the kind of thing fans expected from UFC, not WWE.

Brock laid it right in. Meanwhile, Kane must've been like: 'I'm staying the hell out of this!'. Thankfully, things didn't break down further. Braun took the receipt and everyone moved on. Strowman later said it was just two big alpha males doing alpha male things.

Quite, but wrestlers aren't supposed to get so shooty during major PLE matches.
