10 Fascinating WWE SummerSlam 2010 Facts

The all-powerful, almighty Nexus are no equal to the fury of Big Match John.

By Justin Henry /


At long last, we have arrived. SummerSlam 2010, a pay-per-view that will forever be known as the night that inspired Funkadactyl Cameron to get into wrestling. Truly, the Alicia Fox vs. Melina match was a gamechanger for other captivated viewers than merely just her.


In all seriousness, SummerSlam 2010 took the phrase "one-match show" to new heights, stacking the main event with 14 wrestlers, the majority of which had never wrestled on a WWE pay-per-view until that year. Yes, it was the WWE vs. Nexus match of ultimate survival, and logic would dictate that the new kids would win the first duel. You'd be very, very wrong.

Outside of the fresh-feeling main event, SummerSlam 2010 was mostly lacking depth, producing two pedestrian World title matches in Sheamus vs. Randy Orton, and Kane vs. Rey Mysterio. If it weren't for the lofty intrigue provided by Nexus' June insurrection, this would've looked like the most uninteresting on-paper SummerSlam ever. In practice, it wasn't much better, with the twists and turns of the main event keeping the show from scraping the ocean floor.

At best, it was an experimental show, and at worst, the 2010 show was a near-dud of an August classic.

Here are ten facts about SummerSlam 2010 that you may not have known.

10. A Women's Tag Team Match Was Pulled From The Show

Aside from the Melina/Alicia Fox six-star classic, there was to have been additional women's action at the 2010 SummerSlam. Michelle McCool and Layla were to team up and face Kelly Kelly and former ECW GM Tiffany (later TNA's Taryn Terrell).


A week before the pay-per-view, Terrell was arrested after an altercation with then-husband Drew McIntyre, shortly after the two attended a party at the Playboy Mansion. The two argued loudly enough in their Los Angeles hotel room that security intervened, and police were later called. Believing that McIntyre had been assaulted, Terrell was taken into custody early on the Monday before SummerSlam.

WWE suspended Terrell indefinitely, and scrapped the match. The company was also reportedly not happy that the couple went to the Playboy Mansion without seeking approval (that kind of activity clashes with WWE's PG product). Tiffany never resurfaced on WWE television and was released that November.
