10 Forgotten WrestleMania Gems

Under-rated Mania bouts that deserve more love.

By Erik Beaston /

One look at WrestleMania history provides fans with a glimpse of some of the most historically significant matches of all-time. The event's annals are dotted with championship clashes, legendary grudge matches, gimmick bouts that have stood the test of time and Match of the Year candidates that wow audiences of different generations. For every Steve Austin vs. Rock, Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant and Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, though, there are hundreds of matches that have gone overshadowed and under-appreciated. They are the matches that have helped form the backbone of WrestleMania cards for the last three decades. With everyone from Sable to the great Kurt Angle involved, they are the matches that have earned the label of hidden gem, thanks to the fact that they have been lost in the shuffle among the more celebrated and iconic battles in event history. Whether they were Mixed Tag Team matches, wars for respect between all-time greats and cocky newcomers, Chicago Street Fights or good, old-fashioned pro wrestling bouts, the matches have captivated audiences and help set the stage for the main events that would come later on the show. Now, with the thirty-first incarnation of WrestleMania just weeks away, and an undercard shaping up to feature its fair share of hidden gems, take a walk through the long and illustrious history of the Showcase of the Immortals and relive the matches that are true treasures for fans now discovering them via the WWE Network.